Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rod's Little Maple

Another small painting from yesterday, standing under my back porch patio roof while it rained. This is a pretty little maple tree in my neighbor's yard next door.

Rod's Little Maple, 5x5 pastel on black cardstock

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fuschia's Last Stand

It's raining outside today, but I had the urge to do some plein air painting, so I took my easel outside under the covered patio in the back yard and looked around for a subject. Here's amidst the mossy rocks, yellowing ferns and fallen leaves is a little fuschia bravely putting out a few more blossoms before winter.

Fuschia's Last Stand, 5x5 pastel on black cardstock

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29th Trees

I really intended to sew this morning, but after looking out my windows to the trees behind our house, the pastel box called to me...."Just take a few minutes....what colors do you see? Pick up a pastel or two and linger a little at the easel..."

How quickly time flies when I am not at the easel! The Maples must be given a little attention today. The leaves will not last much longer. And the artist in me is feeling a need to assert herself again. It's time.

October 29th Trees, 6x6 pastel on black cardstock