Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kitties on a Red Rug

On our daily walks Paulene and I pass by a house that almost always has a cat or two on the porch. One season there was a large fuzzy batch of new kittens that we watched grow up. Slowly the numbers decreased and I hope those little ones were adopted somewhere. We always look for the the kitties, and one day I saw four of them napping on the front porch all together. My camera was in my pocket, so I quietly walked a little closer for a better picture. They were onto stood up ready to bolt if necessary and the rest were peeking at me to be sure they were still safe. I snapped the photo and moments later all of them dispersed throughout the yard.

I decided to try painting from that snapshot, and spent a little while getting the drawing right, but as soon as I laid the first marks of color on the paper I had to stop and sigh loudly. Or maybe more than that. It was the wrong side of the paper! Arrrrggghhh. The wrong side of Canson paper has a very textural surface and the other side is smoother. I prefer the smooth. So now I had to decide whether to continue or start over or just forget about it altogether. I let it sit a day to decide. Finally, I accepted the challenge and am calling it a learning will it look if I just use the extra texture? Now I know, and since I am sharing this, you do, too.

Kitties on a Red Rug 8 x 10 on Gold Canson paper


  1. The contrasts of line and color are very pleasing. Blue angular door, red rug with curves, black-and-white kitties with curves. There is a lot to enjoy here.

  2. I really like how the texture works on the door. With the shading and texture, I can almost feel the solid wood and imagine how much it has seen of that family (and those kittens).
