Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Path Through the Ferns

I must learn to bring a sweater outside with me...April sunshine is not dependable!

I went out to the edge of my yard this afternoon and gazed into the woods. This path through the ferns interested me, with the light on the ferns and the deep woods behind them, so I went back inside to collect my art supplies. Then while the box elder bugs crawled through my pasel box, and I shivered under a newly cloudy sky, I did a quick painting on the wrong side of the pastel paper.
Path Through the Ferns, 8x10 pastel on orange Canson

1 comment:

  1. Haha - those artistic box elder beetles make me smile. :) Maybe they like the pastels because they have bright orange coloring?

    In this piece, I really like the light bark on the trees and the thin black lines that make up the shadowy woods.
