Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Beginnings Challenge

The monthly art challenge on the Paint My Photo website is to choose a photo from the collection that represents a "new beginning" or memorable event in our lives, and to use only three colors to make the painting. One blue, one yellow, one red, with black and white added as needed.

I chose to use a photo of a duck preparing to cross the road. This duck is kind of like me, hesitating and wondering about crossing the line and moving into the traffic of REAL artists. The second part of the challenge, the limited palette, was the biggest challenge.

With wet media (paint) it's a simple matter of mixing colors together...but with pastels it requires a layering technique, which I really hadn't tried yet. Crossing the Line is my challenge entry using a very limited Primary color palette: "Carnival Red", "Lemon Yellow", and "Iron Blue".

Crossing the Line, 7x10 pastel on white Canson

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Of course I love the metaphor. :) But the colors you user here are really amazing. Look at the beautiful green duck head...and the browns in the feathers...and the orange on the bill and the feet...Wow again. I really appreciate the "back story" on how you used only a limited palette. Makes me appreciate this lovely pastel even more.
