Friday, February 7, 2014

Happy Camp

There is this magical place where I go camping every year with my husband and several good friends. It's a lake in central Oregon nestled beneath three peaks: Mt Bachelor, South Sister, and Broken Top. The primitive campsites are reached by canoe, so we pile all of our most comfortable camping gear into the canoes and paddle almost two miles to find the best place available. (There are many good places, but it's first come first served, so we hope for the best!) One of our favorite camp sites on the lake is on an overlook, sometimes called "The Ritz" because of it's fancy rock-lined pathways and a picnic table built of rough logs. Once we arrive we set up tents, a kitchen, a dining fly, post the American flag, and then cozy up for a week of relaxation in the great outdoors. It doesn't get much better than that. This painting represents the view of one who is paddling up close to the bluff, looking up to see the dining fly and flag. The kitchen and sleeping tents are around the corner.

Happy Camp, 10 x 10 acrylic on 3/4" wrapped canvas


  1. Oh, happy happy indeed! Love the good times with that red canoe. Love the way you painted the rocks…and the bubbles (ripples?) at the water's edge…and the trees in the background…and the water in the foreground…and the way those white roots curl over the rocks. Ahhh…I just felt my shoulders relax. :)

  2. Awesome. We, too, have so many fond memories with wonderful friends and the beautiful nature Heavenly Father has made for us.
