Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Paint Out at Philip Foster Farm

Today I met with the Clackamas County Painters Group for a plein air event at the Philip Foster Farm in Eagle Creek. The sun did it's best to warm us up, but that air was still very cool. I never did take off my jacket! Seven of us worked away on our own little paintings...some oil, some watercolor, and of course I am the token pastel painter.

The farm was chosen because the lilacs are all blooming! The one that is in front of the old Foster house is known as the oldest lilac in Oregon, which is why I'm calling it the Lilac Pioneer. We had a great day. Here's what I came away with:

Lilac Pioneer, 4 x 6 pastel on blue sanded paper

Lilac Afternoon, 4 x 6 pastel on blue sanded paper

Lilac Lane, 6 x 8 pastel on blue Canson (SOLD!)

1 comment:

  1. WOW. I love all of these, especially Lilac Lane. What a wonderful, productive day for you!
